GKCOA awards and recognition
GKCOA Bill Pickett Lifetime Achievement Award
The Greater Kansas City Officials Association recognized one of our members, Bill Pickett, as one of the best high school officials in the Greater Kansas City Area. Bill stood for strong ideals and professionalism which he developed over a lifetime of service to the area's sporting community. He officiated every contest like a championship game. The GKCOA Bill Pickett Lifetime Achievement Award was established in the year 2000 and recognizes the top male and female officials in the KC area that have demonstrated these ideals over a lifetime of service.
2023 Winners: Kevin Driskell, Candido Santellan, and Mike Moeller

Past winners:
2022 - David Ewing, Craig Ewing, Tom O'Brien, and Tim Olson
2021 - Ron Remley, Randy Winkler, David Brown, Rich Rennie, Scotty Williams
2019 – Anthony Cook
2018 – Scott Esry, Mike Hankins and Bill Sobbe
2014 – Keith Fowler
2013 – Bob Thorpe
2012 – Phil Griffin
2011 – Don Dickson, Stan Dobbs, Jesse Hall and Michael O'Dell
2010 – Al Conway, Fred Flook and Bobby Kolen
2009 – Bob Lade and Wilbur "Red" Reagon
2008 – Danny Brown
2007 – Jeff Holloway and Bill Titcomb
2006 – Ken Raffety
2005 – Greg Harrison and Tom Svelia
2004 – Sam Breckenridge, Maureen Dankee, and Paul Hoffman
2003 – Clem Bartnett, Jack Graham, Jay Hankins, Ray Lawrence and Pam Sloan
2002 – Ken Bradshaw, Ken Gentry, Carl Nothnagel, Dan Ogle, Dianne Schmidt, Phil Stompoly, Steve Taylor, Diamond Warren, Russ Weber and Larry Zirbel
2001 – Bill George, Norm Brooks, Evelyn Gates, Al Hamra, Pete Madrigil, Gene Millentree, J.P. Morgan, Darwin Rold, Jim Rusconi and Rich Stonum