Membership Renewal Form
This form is for Existing Members only.
New Members: If you are not a current GKCOA member, please complete the New Membership Form instead found here.
Current Members: Please fill out all the required fields and click the checkout button below. You will then be taken to the checkout page to pay for your dues and fees.
*NOTE: Be sure to complete all required fields which are noted with an asterisk (*). If you submit the form, but are not redirected to the checkout page, then look at the top of the page for an explanation of missing information.
Membership dues are $35 flat fee regardless of the number of sports. Please check the box of the sport(s) for which you are applying membership for.
**ATTENTION: All association fees are due by August 15th for fall sports and November 1st for winter sports. You will not be eligible to be assigned to officiate until you pay your GKCOA fees. If you pay your fees after the dates given, you are not guaranteed to receive any contests to officiate, as there may not be any contests left to be assigned at your proficiency.
Please indicate associations of which you are currently a member.
Continue Membership Requirements
All members must abide by the Bylaws. GKCOA Officials Code of Ethics, and the following rules to maintain regular membership in the GKCOA:
a) Must attend at least fifty percent (50%) of the regular meetings in the preceding fiscal year for the sport(s) in which the official is registered. Absences from any meeting may be excused if the official has provided documentation of the reason for his/her absence, and the Board of Directors approve such absence;
b) Must pay dues by August 15th for Fall Sports, November 1st for Winter Sports and March 1st for Spring Sports;
c) Must maintain registration with the MSHSAA and meet minimum standards for renewing such registration. An official who is placed on probation by the MSHSAA shall become a probationary member for the duration of such period as the MSHSAA has such official on probationary status;
d) If assigned, must fulfill all assignments accepted by that member;
e) Must agree that (1) all members of the GKCOA are independent contractors in their officiating capacities and are not employees of GKCOA, or of any officer of the GKCOA, or of any person or entity for whom the members work as officials; (2) all members of the GKCOA recognize this status and understand that neither the GKCOA, nor its officers, are employers and therefore, the members may not collect workers' compensation benefits from the GKCOA or any other person or entity for injuries sustained while officiating; and (3) the GKCOA is not a party of any ultimate contract between an official who is a member of the GKCOA and the school for which a game has been assigned and therefore, the GKCOA shall not be responsible to its members, in any way, for payment of game fees for games that have been assigned to the official by the GKCOA.
Acknowledgement: *
Please acknowledge that you have read and understand the GKCOA's membership requirements. If you can not agree to these terms, please do not submit this application as your membership will not be approved.
Please Note - Payments will show up as "". This is normal as Wix is our hosting platform.
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