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Scholarship Criteria


  • High School Senior involved in at least one of the following sports programs: baseball, basketball, football, softball, or volleyball.

  • Currently attending a Missouri High School located within the Greater Kansas City Area

  • Intending to enroll in an accredited college, university or technical school

  • 2.5 GPA or Higher

  • Official High School Transcript, including ACT or SAT Scores

  • Two Letters of Recommendation

  • Complete Scholarship Application

  • In addition to the above criteria, a critical financial need is also considered when selecting scholarship recipients


  • Complete applications must be submitted via the online form (or postmarked) no later than March 31st

  • There is no need for special mailings

official rules

  • Recipients will be notified at their high school's award ceremony or by mail prior to May 31st.

  • Submission of an application to the GKCOA Scholarship Fund constitutes permission to use recipient's name and/or likeness for purposes of advertising and trade.

  • No transfer of award is permitted.


  • Each recipient is eligible for an award of up to $1,000.00 with $500 payable for each semester of
    the 1 st year of college, university, or technical school. Verification via college/technical school
    transcript of full-time enrollment (12+ credit hours), a minimum 2.50 GPA, and an intention to
    continue enrollment in an accredited college, university, or technical school will be required at
    the completion of the initial semester.


  • Submit the Online Application or download, complete and mail the GKCOA Scholarship Application

  • Completed applications, letters of recommendation and transcript should be mailed to: GKCOA Scholarship Fund, 16657 E 23rd Street #334, Independence, MO  64055

  • Applications must be submitted via the online form or postmarked by March 31st.

  • Incomplete applications will NOT be considered.

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